
A government run by hackers.
Sounds perfect for a cyberpunk story, doesn't it?

Imagine that there was no ministers to vote for new laws. Instead, autocratic hackers invade a digital lawbook, change the laws to their liking, and place a bunch of firewalls in the computer to prevent other hackers from changing the laws back. Ministers are just androids linkied to the National Network Service. (NNS) Hackers take control of the president android to talk to foreign officials. The strongest hackers are in control of society. The weaker fill smaller officials, such as governors.

Except, maybe both the Foriegn Minister and the Minister of State is controlled by the same hacker. The Defence Minister is a joint effort between two hackers. The Industry Minister is controlled by an AI. It's all a big concpiracy that hit our heroes hard so they must fight the violence inherent in the system.

Of course, the hacker know the best way to make sure an enemy doesn't bocme an issue is to eliminate them. Find their location and send some hitmen. Maybe the Chinese Triads would like a buisness opening in Lyon in exchange for a body that is never found? Maybe we can fake a hostage situation and get the GSG9 to take care of things? Better make sure no one finds out who you are or where you live. Total secrecy. The goverment is run by a bunch of infighting hacking bastards who no one, not even themselves, know who are.

This pretty much sums up the Hackoracy.

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